Product: TrueAuto platform
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Sometimes, you may be concerned as to whether your documents were successfully delivered within the TrueAuto platform. To confirm this delivery, follow the steps provided, below.
Check Document Status
You can verify whether the status of the documents is marked as sent by navigating to the main screen in TrueAuto and checking the Status column. For successfully sent documents, the Status will be displayed as Sent (e.g., Invoice EDI Sent). This status provides an initial confirmation that the document has been transmitted.
The EDI Sent status will become:
Accepted (Acknowledged) if a document has been fully accepted by the Trading Partner without any error
Accepted (Application) if a document's content has been fully accepted by the Trading Partner without any error
Accepted with Errors (Acknowledged) if a document has been accepted with errors by the Trading Partner side
Accepted with Errors (Application) if a document's content has been accepted with errors by the Trading Partner
On the other hand, if a document fails to be sent, its previous status will be preserved (e.g., Invoice EDI Created).
Contact the Support team
If you are unsure whether documents were successfully sent or if you encounter any issues or discrepancies, do not hesitate to reach out to the TrueAuto Support team. They should be able to assist you and confirm the status of your documents.
By following the above methods, you can ensure that documents are successfully marked as Sent in TrueAuto and address any issues promptly should they arise.
rev. 20241127